Resources to Share with Families

This section contains articles, websites, and tools that can either be directly shared with family members or used to help staff think about how to communicate with families about challenging behavior.



  • Preventing Exclusion and Expulsion from Child Care Programs

    This article offers insight to providers and families on working together to prevent expulsion by building strong relationships and strategies that work at home and in child care.

  • All About Young Children

    This website presents information for families that focuses on key infant/toddler (birth to 5) learning and development foundations and preschool learning foundations and includes discussion about those foundations by groups of parents. Information found on the website is available in 7 different languages.

  • Family Materials on Teaching Pyramid Module 3

    This section of the Teaching Pyramid website contains articles regarding Individualized Intervention topics for Addressing Behavior and are available in Chinese and Spanish.

A father posing with his two sons outside of a child care center